Sugar Addict Crashes

I have not been quiet because I have been away having some kind of operation or extreme weight loss therapy.  I have been working very hard and had visitors over the last 2 nights for dinner which left no time for blogging.  But thank you for those who showed concern.  We had these lovely girls over one night; Hannah and Laura who live next door.  Between Hannah and Lara we had a delicious supper.

3 girls at home

We were all pleased to see them.

4 people

Last night we had our lovely neighbour on the other side over, Frances.  So way too much eating from me.

My package finally arrived.  It is a L’Equip Omni Juicer, just like this one here.  Or indeed here in this picture !  I worked from home today and got up early to get it all set up and to start juicing.

juicer 3 This is a single augur juicer so it takes longer than the centrifugal juicers commonly used on TV shows by excitable Americans but retains more of the nutrients in the fruits and vegetables.juicer 2 You have 2 jugs, one to collect the pulp and one the juice.  I did initially set them up the wrong way round but that was easily corrected.juicer 1 I wanted Harvey to share the first juice so it was more fruits than veggies; an apple, an orange and some spinach.things to juice 20-9-13 Chug, chug, chug.juicing You end up with a jug of pulp and jug of juice.  This is so much easier to clear up than my old one, I loved using it except you have to hold the ‘on’ button down which makes juicing slightly challenging and you really need 3 hands.juice and pulp As you can guess by the small size of my glass, harvey loved it so I only had a small glassful.  The flavour are wonderful compared to my old juicer.  Much fresher and cleaner tasting.  Excellent.first juice 20-9-13 I made myself a scrambled eggs with spinach and fresh tomatoes.breakfast 20-9-13 I have wanted to do a weeks juice cleanse to break my sugar addiction which is really bad at the moment after 2 weeks of very lovely sugar coated birthday celebrations.  Due to work and social engagements, I have not even had one clear day to do that so I did my best today during the day.

At lunch time I made another juice and added some blue green algae. Crystal Manna and tsp Some of my kale has survived the rabbits and caterpillars so I juiced that.kale I juiced it with 2 sticks of celery, spinach, a cucumber and some strawberries.veg for juicing 20-9-13 The tube you add the fruits/veggies in to is quite small so I have to cut the produce up more than I wanted to.strawberries in juicer This was quite challenging.  It was a horrible sludgy green colour and tasted a bit earthy so I added an orange which really juice 20-9-13 I also made good use of 2 courgettes from the garden and some halloumi.courgettes and halloumi in packet I sliced the courgettes thinly and a modest amount of halloumi and placed them in a ridged frying pan with some salt and pepper on top.halloumi and courgettes just inI cooked them over a gentle heat for about 5-7 minutes before turning them for another 5 minutes,courgettes and halloumiServed with juicy tomatoes it made a simple and delicious lunch.Halloumi, courgettes and tomatoes

My day then went a bit wrong and after an aborted Cheese and Wine evening I arrived home stressed and exhausted and hit the sugar big time.  One huge bar of chocolate and red wine.

chocolate and wine

I really want to do a juice fast, quite a severe one for a week to break the sugar habit and then add protein such as beans, sprouts, eggs, fish and lean meat to a juice and raw vegetable based diet.  I really need that time through to break the sugar habit and give myself a boost of a quick weight loss.  The weekend and week ahead look very busy but in a weeks time I think I can have a go then.  I really hope so!


About Lose Weight and Gain Health

Hi! My name is Zoe and I live in Hastings, East Sussex, with my son Harvey and dog, Milton. I have been fighting the fat for years but this time I am serious. I want to lose weight and gain health. This blog is about how I am changing my lifestyle so I can lose weight but not by just "being on a diet" but by making small changes to our lives so that as I lose weight, I gain health. I want my family to be healthy too and never have to struggle with their weight like I have. In common with many large people, I have gained and lost weight many times over the years. This time, I want to lose it and maintain a healthy low weight. I am interested in eating food that is nutrient dense and delicious and that appeals to children and adults. I do not eat animal products so follow a vegan diet. I try to use locally produced food supplemented with what I can grow myself. I support and try to use local farmers markets and farm shops. Another objective is to add more exercise to our days. It sounds so simple when I write it down :-)
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3 Responses to Sugar Addict Crashes

  1. laura1952 says:

    I’m cheering you on Zoe. I know that YOU know that you will feel so much better in the long run. Plan ahead and win the battle.

  2. Sarah says:

    Bit worried about you at the end there Zoe. Either you were hallucinating about windmills as you ate your chocolate, or you’d actually taken your red wine and were sitting on Stone Street watching the view as you drank it? Either way, I’m a bit concerned. 🙂

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