So Sorrel

What a mixed bag today was!  I started well, had a dip and then a good ending.

Breakfast featured frozen blueberries, hemp seeds, Acaii powder and protein powder.

breakfast ingredients 4-7-13 Plus an apricot.Apricot in halves Blended with a dash of coconut water to create a very thick smoothie and then topped with raw buckwheat.breakfast 4-7-13 Yum A Ling A Ding Dong!purple power breakfast I felt peckish mid morning so had some dates, almonds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.  I meant to just have these but may have had some more.dates and nuts and seeds Lunch was based on this lettuce I bought yesterday.  It was green at the base and then changed to purple by the end of the leaves.  I dressed it with a splash of olive oil and some lemon and purple lettuce Then topped with sundried tomatoes, capers, anchovies, tomatoes and taramasalata.   lunch 4-7-13 2 Lots of tasty flavours and a good variety of textures.Lunch 4-7-13 I was then stuck with something work related so grazed which was annoying.  Grazed?  Pah!  I pigged out.  I took a packet of Skittles that came home in Harvey’s unfinished tuck box and then 2 slices of toast and marmalade.  Ridiculous behaviour.

For supper I had some of this sorrel I bought yesterday.Sorrel Chegworth It is quite lemony and was stronger in flavour than I expected.  So instead of eating it raw as I had planned,sorrel I added it to an omelette with some cheese.sorrel on egg I haven’t had an omelette for ages and it was delicious.Sorrel Omelette

Quite a tang left from that sorrel.  It’s the oxalic acid apparently.

About Lose Weight and Gain Health

Hi! My name is Zoe and I live in Hastings, East Sussex, with my son Harvey and dog, Milton. I have been fighting the fat for years but this time I am serious. I want to lose weight and gain health. This blog is about how I am changing my lifestyle so I can lose weight but not by just "being on a diet" but by making small changes to our lives so that as I lose weight, I gain health. I want my family to be healthy too and never have to struggle with their weight like I have. In common with many large people, I have gained and lost weight many times over the years. This time, I want to lose it and maintain a healthy low weight. I am interested in eating food that is nutrient dense and delicious and that appeals to children and adults. I do not eat animal products so follow a vegan diet. I try to use locally produced food supplemented with what I can grow myself. I support and try to use local farmers markets and farm shops. Another objective is to add more exercise to our days. It sounds so simple when I write it down :-)
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